So I did it! I officially ran a half marathon. And let me tell ya, I am TORE UP!
Let's start with last night. I tried to get some sleep. I really really tried. I fell asleep at 10 until 2am then couldn't get back to sleep until 3am. Slept until 5am and then I was up and ready to go! I took my son over to Denny's to get a proper breakfast. Unfortunately Super 8's "breakfast" is NOT gluten free. Asshats. Anyway, got breakfast, and got dressed, braided my hair, and headed to One Mile Rec area at Bidwell Park. The course was GORGEOUS! Very enjoyable scenary. I did a warm up jog with Will who was just as excited for the start as I was.
Lined up, Will lined up with me. Gun went off, Will tried to come with me LOL. Little guy wanted to race. Um, sorry Will! First 3 miles... OW. I found this out on my last long run as soon as I passed 3 miles I knew I'd be fine. For some reason my calves hurt super bad the first 3 but stopped after that. Cruised along between 12:40 and 13:40 minute miles for the first 6 miles. Chatted up two little ladies from Oregon. My plan was to stick with them, sweet ladies.
Unfortunately the last 6 miles were a challenge. A really.big.challenge. More Ow's. I just did each mile as I could focusing on my pace for each mile and not really thinking ahead of that. I did end up walking my last three miles or so. Getting up to a 15 minute mile pace. I didn't want to do that. In order to stay within my goal of 3 hours I would have had to do each mile under 14:40. Didn't happen. I'm not dissapointed though, I gave it my all. I crossed the finish line at 3 hours 4 minutes by my watch. I didn't get an official time... too tired. I'm exhausted. I'll post official time when they post it on their website.
More at facebook.com/fattymcrunnerpants!
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